Love and Life Skills

In this ‘Love and Life Skills’ series, I am sharing the tools I learned many years ago that brought me from pain to peace. I have tried to give credit where credit is due, but unfortunately, I can’t remember the source of many of these pearls I share on these videos. I have it in my head and a pile of papers I collected through the years. If anyone can prove parts of this as your intellectual or creative property, I will gladly give you the credit. Personally, I give all the credit to God because He brought it to me at a critical time, which saved my life and my sanity. Helen Peterson Bair, MAPC

How did I lose Self-ValueHow did I Lose Me?

Supplementary Materials For ‘How Did I Lose Self Value?’

ABUSE: What Is It?

Trauma Symptoms caused by Abuse

Typical Characteristics for Victims and Abusers

Charactaristics of Codependency (Externally Centered People)

Boundaries—Your First Line of Defense in Self-Care

Supplementary Materials for ‘Boundaries—Your First Line of Defense in Self-Care’

Unhealthy Boundaries

Bill of Rights and Power Positions—Who has the Power?

Supplementary Material for ‘Your Personal Bill of Rights—Who has the Power?’

Assertive TrainingAssertive, Aggressive, Passive, Passive-Aggressive

Supplementary Material for ‘Assertive Training’

Assertive Confrontation—Peaceful Conflict Resolution

Supplementary Material for ‘Assertive Confrontation’

Letting goThe Pathway to Serenity and Peace

Supplementary Material for ‘Letting Go—The pathway to Serenity and Peace’

Thinking—Your Personal Power

Supplemental Material for ‘Thinking—Your Personal Power’

Feelings—Your Personal Feedback

Supplemental Material for ‘Feelings—Your Personal Feedback’

Grief to ReliefGo through the Grieving Process Easier

Self Esteem—How Do I Love Me?

Supplemental Material for ‘Self Esteem—How do I love ME?’

Let Go and Let God coming soon

‘Recovery Goals’

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