Poor Results? Possible Causes:

What makes the difference between those who get quick, satisfying results and those who don’t?

The following is a list of possible factors that might interfere with your results:

—Poor nutrition, an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut, heavy metal poisioning or other toxins or infections in the body, can cause anxiety and/or drepression. SRT can only addres psychosomatic caused symptoms. If you need futher help than SRT can offer, you might want to have your gut bacteria, toxic load and nutritional deficiencies analized to get further results.

—Following is a list of causes of depression taken from a Dr. Berg’s YouTube video “Eleven causes of Depression”: 1. Low Vitamin D 2. Low Vitamin B12 3. Low zinc/chromium 4. Low blood sugar – high insulin 5. Lack of sleep 6. Fatigue 7. Postpartum – Estrogen 8. Menstrual 9. Medication side effects 10. Stress-Loss 11. Environmental situations

—Poor breathing habits. For guidance watch on YouTube, “The 4 breathing secrets that will transform your life.”

—A low desire level on the part of the client to change and heal. Example: Forced into treatment by others instead of ones own desire.

—Mind altered by drugs, alcohol or some over-the-counter medications

Example: A man had set up an appointment to work on anxiety. The day before his scheduled appointment, he cancelled it. I asked why and he said he had stopped taking a prescribed medication and the anxiety went away.

—Refusal to give up negative thinking habits.

Example: “Because this is the way I’ve always been, it’s the way I’m always going to be.”

—Refusal to give up the symptom because it fills some kind of need. 

Example:  “Who would pay attention to me if I didn’t have this problem? If I am sick, my mother will continue to take care of me and I don’t have to be responsible.”

—Inadequate preparation on the part of the client.

Example: “I was told to check out all the information on the website but didn’t”

—Doubt or fear of the therapy, therapist or having the problem resolved.

—Mistrusting or disliking the facilitator.  

—Mistrusting God/Higher Power. 

—Belief in a Higher Power that has no ability to heal.

—Extreme resistance.

—The issue cannot be resolved by SRT.

Examples: Symptoms caused by parasites, poor nutrition, genetics, environmental toxins, etc.. cannot be resolved with SRT

—Hashimoto’s hypo-thyroiditis and other autoimmune diseases may be the root-cause of depression, anxiety and other emotional/mental problems. In this case SRT may be helpful but other kinds of treatment may also be necessary.

—Organic mental illness, brain injury or a mind that cannot perform rational thinking processes.  (SRT may work for some of these conditions but not others.)

Some severe personality or mental disorders.

—EMR Electromagnetic Radiation in the environment may cause anxiety and/or other emotional issues, which cannot be resolved with SRT.

—Being programmed against God or recovery by a cult. Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) is much more complicated and time taking than other issues.

—Client is in denial of his/her issues or stubborn about getting them resolved.

—Withholding pertinent information from or lying to the facilitator.

—Client believes s/he is unworthy or incapable of healing and refuses to give up that belief system.

—The client currently lives in a highly toxic or abusive environment and cannot or will not get out. This is especially true for children.

—Client tells the facilitator what they think the facilitator wants to hear rather than what is true and real.

—The client cannot speak or refuses to speak during a session. (This has actually happened)

—There are other issues bigger than the original one that may need to be addressed first because they overshadow the presenting problem.

Example: The client must sometimes resolve abuse issues before being able to quit smoking.

—Client’s conscious mind is overly analytical, questioning, trying too hard, thus interfering  with progress.

—Client is attention seeking and has no intention of getting better. This is more likely to happen when someone else is paying the bill.

—Language or communication barriers between facilitator and client.

—and more!

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